
Getting your wisdom teeth out can seem scary, however, it is actually a routine procedure performed daily by general dentists and specialist oral surgeons. Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars found in the back of your mouth. They usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25 but can present at any age. Wisdom teeth may need to be removed due to the following reasons:

• If they are impacted: because these teeth are found so far back in your mouth, they may not grow normally, and can be trapped in your jawbone, your gums or against other teeth which can increase your risk of tooth decay, gum infections and/or cause pain. Wisdom teeth which are impacted against other teeth, can cause unwanted movement and damage.

• If your mouth is not big enough: your jaw may not have enough room for an extra set of molars to grow and these spacial issues can lead to impaction or, even if they come out straight, can make them near-impossible to keep clean and healthy.

• If you have cavities or gum disease: You may not be unable to reach your wisdom teeth with your toothbrush or floss, and can end up with cavities or gum problems associated with them.

What to expect before surgery?

Prior to your surgery, you will meet with your oral surgeon to talk about the process. At this appointment make sure that you do the following:

• Mention any health problems you have.
• List any medication you take on a regular basis.
• Ask any questions you have regarding the surgery.
• Discuss the type of anaesthesia you’ll have.

You should also plan time off work or school to have the procedure and recovery afterwards.

What to expect during surgery?

Wisdom teeth extraction involves the use of anaesthetic to prevent any pain during removal. It is likely that you will feel pressure during the procedure but not pain. The process usually takes one sitting, however it can extend to two depending on the position of the tooth. Your doctor may need to use advanced surgical techniques which may involve raising your gums or removing some bone around the wisdom teeth to be able to successfully remove them. If so, they may need to place sutures (also known as stitches) to close the wound so it heals faster. These sutures will either dissolve after a few days or need to be removed by the dentist depending on the type used.

What to expect after the surgery?

If you had your wisdom teeth removed with local anaesthesia only, and feel alert, you may be able to drive home and return to your day’s activities as normal. However if you underwent any form of sedation or still feel drowsy, it is important to have someone else drive you home safely.

Your doctor, at Soothing Care Dental, will provide you with post-operative instructions on the day of your surgery (usually verbal and written), as well as pain control medication if deemed necessary. You may experience some bleeding, discomfort and/or swelling for a few days after your surgery, and your mouth may need a few weeks to completely heal. You should avoid solid foods and brushing the affected area. We also suggest avoiding using straws when drinking liquid. Be sure to keep your wounds clean with simple saltwater rinses. It is also advised to refrain from alcohol and tabaco for at least 48 hours.

At Soothing Care Dental, your trusted Balmain Dental Practice, we offer tailored and safe wisdom teeth remove using the latest technology and with attention to patient comfort. Call us today or book an appointment online.